Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Letters to my baby!

Today is December 4th

Hey Little Man! So after we got those cute pictures of you, things started to change for Mommy. At Mommy's doctor appointments they were checking my blood pressure and little by little my blood pressure was starting to rise. Mommy could tell there was something going on because she was having some swelling. Mommy's blood pressure was getting to high and they needed me to go on bed rest so that I would lay down and help you stay in my tummy as long as we could! Mommy was put on bed rest on October 22nd, two days after our last baby shower. We found out that if I laid on my left side you would be the safest! This was a little boring and at times my hip would hurt, but Mommy was going to do what she could to help you stay in her tummy and grow!

I can't believe how big you have gotten already!

We love you so much,

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