Thursday, July 22, 2010
Blog Hoppin' Friday!!
I love all the blog hoppin' parties on Friday! This is my second one and I am so excited that you have come to visit my blog! Thank you for stopping by! I can't wait to meet some new friends!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Letters to my baby!
Today is July 20th
I am so excited! Last night Mommy and Daddy went and saw the movie Inception. We really liked it and I think you did too because you were moving around! Now ever since I started feeling you moving I would try to get Daddy to feel you on my belly. We have tried and tried but Daddy just hasn't been able to catch you moving.
Well, last night as we were watching the movie you started moving right above my belly button on my right side. I quickly grabbed Daddy's hand and put it where you were moving. And guess what!?! Daddy felt you! He looked over at me and gave me a thumbs up to ask if that was you moving and I shook my head yes. We both smiled and Daddy said that it felt so cool to feel you kick! Mommy has wanted to share this feeling of you kicking with Daddy for so long and I am so excited that he got to yesterday! We love you so much little man!
I am so excited! Last night Mommy and Daddy went and saw the movie Inception. We really liked it and I think you did too because you were moving around! Now ever since I started feeling you moving I would try to get Daddy to feel you on my belly. We have tried and tried but Daddy just hasn't been able to catch you moving.
Well, last night as we were watching the movie you started moving right above my belly button on my right side. I quickly grabbed Daddy's hand and put it where you were moving. And guess what!?! Daddy felt you! He looked over at me and gave me a thumbs up to ask if that was you moving and I shook my head yes. We both smiled and Daddy said that it felt so cool to feel you kick! Mommy has wanted to share this feeling of you kicking with Daddy for so long and I am so excited that he got to yesterday! We love you so much little man!
Friday, July 16, 2010
New Friend Friday!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
"The girls"
Some will laugh at me, but I have been known to flip my car around on several occasions to save a turtle on the side of the road. What can I say, I have always been an animal lover! I believe it has been bestowed in me ever since I was little from my mother and grandmother. There love of animals is well known, so much so that about six years ago when we lost my grandmother some wonderful people donated money to our local animal shelter in her honor!
My love of animals, along with my husbands, did not fall short at our house either as we are the owners of three beautiful girls!
This is Mia. My husband surprised his parents his senior year in high school by bringing this sweet yellow lab home with him one day! She is a very sweet dog that you would swear had the soul of a grandmother. I was introduced to Mia when I met my husband in college. He had brought me to his parents house to meet everyone and when I went to meet Mia she curled her lips up and showed her teeth! The funny thing is she didn't make a growling sound and she was swinging her head around as if she was excited. I was so confused until my husband explained to me that she "smiles." It seems that it is a hereditary trait as her father and brother also did this. Now when family comes over to visit us we always try to excite her to see her "smile!"
The next in line as far as age is Tilli. I got Tilli after my freshman year in college. She was such a cute little puppy. She was the runt of her litter so she is smaller than your traditional West Highland White Terrior or Westie. My favorite feature of Tilli's is her tail. They believe that she must have been pushed up against a bone in her mommy's tummy because she was born with a twist in her tail that makes it curl back up like a pig's tail. She is best know for her craze of balls! If you dare throw a ball for her she will continue to bring it to you; even put it in your lap if she thinks you haven't seen it yet. And she cannot be tired out from retrieving it, believe me!
The youngest of the puppy bunch is Bailey. My husband brought Mia to our family and I brought Tilli so after we got married we brought Bailey to the family together. Bailey is a sweet girl and has a very sweet heart! I have to say that Mia and Tilli are older, and calmer at this point in their lives, than our Bailey. She is a one year old black lab and she definitely has a lot of that puppy energy! She loves attention and loves to be pet. My favorite thing about her is that she really does want to please you! When you try petting another dog she will push her way between you and that dog so you will pet her, yet if you tell her to sit and wait she really will try, for a little while, to follow those directions. It reminds me of a small child staring at a ice cream cone waiting for its parents to let them eat it!
So these are our sweet girls, the three sisters! I wonder what they are going to think when our little boy invades the house in November! :) hehe, we will see......
My love of animals, along with my husbands, did not fall short at our house either as we are the owners of three beautiful girls!

So these are our sweet girls, the three sisters! I wonder what they are going to think when our little boy invades the house in November! :) hehe, we will see......
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
children and their pets!
My aunt recently emailed this to me and I thought it was too cute not to share!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Oh to create my baby boy's nursery!
And so it starts!
We now know that it will be our sweet baby boy coming to meet us in November! So it is time to really get started! My husband and I are pretty sure that we would like to have a jungle theme for our little man but really need to decided how we would like to carry this out. In college I took an art class where I really found my joy of art. I will be the first to admit that I am not the most creative at all, but I do find it relaxing and fun!
Before I was pregnant I had envisioned painting the walls with big trees and grass with jungle animals everywhere. Now that I am pregnant I want to stay away from the paint fums for our little man and my wonderful husband and family members have offered to paint the nursery for me. So I have decided to go with a more simple paint choice for the walls and fill the room with jungle and animal print things instead.
I can admit (and my husband would quickly agree) that I have a hard time deciding on what I like. I just went to hobby lobby the other day trying to find something for a centerpiece for our dining room table. I thought that I would be able to just walk in and see what they had and be inspired! Needless to say, I walked out with no centerpiece! I should have known that I have to walk in with some kind of direction!!
We now know that it will be our sweet baby boy coming to meet us in November! So it is time to really get started! My husband and I are pretty sure that we would like to have a jungle theme for our little man but really need to decided how we would like to carry this out. In college I took an art class where I really found my joy of art. I will be the first to admit that I am not the most creative at all, but I do find it relaxing and fun!
Before I was pregnant I had envisioned painting the walls with big trees and grass with jungle animals everywhere. Now that I am pregnant I want to stay away from the paint fums for our little man and my wonderful husband and family members have offered to paint the nursery for me. So I have decided to go with a more simple paint choice for the walls and fill the room with jungle and animal print things instead.
I can admit (and my husband would quickly agree) that I have a hard time deciding on what I like. I just went to hobby lobby the other day trying to find something for a centerpiece for our dining room table. I thought that I would be able to just walk in and see what they had and be inspired! Needless to say, I walked out with no centerpiece! I should have known that I have to walk in with some kind of direction!!
So for this nursery I have already started my research. I googled to find different nursery pictures that I liked from other people so I could get some ideas of what I liked!
I came across this picture and loved this green color!
And in this picture I really liked how soft it looked with the drapping over the crib and soft paint colors but wasn't sure if it would look too "girly."
I thought these horizontal strips looked really fun! And although we have carpet in our nursery room, this zebra rug is really cute!
But I think this lattice accent wall is my favorite! I was thinking of maybe doing this in a soft taupe color.
I don't really know yet (remember how I said it was hard to make up my mind? :) I really need to hurry and make a decision though so I can get it done before my summer break as a teacher is over! Feel free to share any of your ideas or opinions you have!! Two heads are better than one! :)

I don't really know yet (remember how I said it was hard to make up my mind? :) I really need to hurry and make a decision though so I can get it done before my summer break as a teacher is over! Feel free to share any of your ideas or opinions you have!! Two heads are better than one! :)
Saturday, July 10, 2010
A sisters weekend!
My middle sister recently graduated college (YEA!!!) and is now living close to my mom and step dad, and my youngest sister in Central Texas. With my husband and I living in Katy, a little over 2 hours away, we don't all get to meet up as much as we would like!
A few weeks ago my two sisters and my youngest sisters boyfriend came down and stayed with us in Katy! We spent a day on the Kemah boardwalk and had a really fun time!
It started off with my husband wanting to go to the boat show. His big dream is to get a boat and has really tried convincing me to let him get one now by telling me how great it will be for our little boy to get to go out fishing with his Daddy! As you might already know, I am 5 months pregnant, so I'm thinking we have a few years to save up! haha
So we were not all super excited to go check out these awesome boats....but we entertained ourselves!
Don't mind the boat shoppers in the back ground! haha
After our photo op... I mean the boat show, we headed out for Kemah! We did a lot of walking and looking around at all there little shops. We then took a little break from the Texas heat and went into an aquarium to look at all the different types of sea creatures they had!
Before we knew it my husband had bought food for us to feed the sting rays!! It was actually a little wierd to feeling them eating from your hand!
This is my husband getting ready to feed a sting ray and Sean, my sisters boyfriends, being "pregnant" with me with the basketball we had won at the arcade. Haha he is so supportive!
Our "sisters weekend" was a lot of fun! I can't wait to get together again soon!
A few weeks ago my two sisters and my youngest sisters boyfriend came down and stayed with us in Katy! We spent a day on the Kemah boardwalk and had a really fun time!
It started off with my husband wanting to go to the boat show. His big dream is to get a boat and has really tried convincing me to let him get one now by telling me how great it will be for our little boy to get to go out fishing with his Daddy! As you might already know, I am 5 months pregnant, so I'm thinking we have a few years to save up! haha
So we were not all super excited to go check out these awesome boats....but we entertained ourselves!
Here we are during our photo op :)

Before we knew it my husband had bought food for us to feed the sting rays!! It was actually a little wierd to feeling them eating from your hand!

On our way out they had all these life like animals. Growing up my two sisters and I were taught by my Mom how to draw an elephant so it kind of became a symbol for us. We had to take a picture with the elephant and emailed it to our Mom!
We finished the night by sitting and watching this cover band that was playing in the center of the boardwalk. One of the songs they sang was Proud Mary and when they got to the part that says, "Rollin', rollin', rollin' on the river!" This cute couple was dancing right along with the music!
It was so cute! At one point the husband stopped dancing and his wife hit his arm as if to say, "Keep dancing!" It was too funny!

Our "sisters weekend" was a lot of fun! I can't wait to get together again soon!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Letters to my baby!
Today is June 25th
And....I am so excited to announce that you did cooperate and Mommy and Daddy know what you are!! We are so excited!
The journey started off great with Daddy getting to come home early from work. It seems that everyone at his work was also excited to hear about you and let him leave extra early!
And....I am so excited to announce that you did cooperate and Mommy and Daddy know what you are!! We are so excited!
The journey started off great with Daddy getting to come home early from work. It seems that everyone at his work was also excited to hear about you and let him leave extra early!
Here we are leaving to go to the doctors office to see you!
And here is Mommy and Daddy arriving at the doctors office! And here is Mommy thinking, "Those pesky paparazzi, they follow us everywhere! ;)"
And here you are laying on your side! You look so sweet already!
After the doctors appointment we all went home to get ready for Daddy's family to come over to eat hamburgers and to see what we found out about you. I wanted have a little fun so I decided to tell them by making a cake. Everyone loves cake when we are celebrating someone so important, right!?! :)
So here is how we announced you to everyone!


So here is how we announced you to everyone!

We are so excited!! We have already started clearing out your room, searching pictures of nurseries we like, and deciding what types of decor we want to put in your room!
Daddy and I have also started narrowing down the names that we would like for you! This is an important decision and we think we have it down to 3 names we like, but we will keep that a secret for a little longer! ;)
Daddy and I have also started narrowing down the names that we would like for you! This is an important decision and we think we have it down to 3 names we like, but we will keep that a secret for a little longer! ;)
We are both so excited and can already picture all the things we will do with you as you grow up! We can't wait to meet our little man!
Love you bunches,
Love you bunches,
Letters to my baby!
Today is June 23
Mommy met with her doctor last Friday and heard your heartbeat again! It was a really sweet sound! We were also able to schedule an ultrasound and it will be in TWO days! So Mommy and Daddy will get to see you AND we are hopefully going to be able to see if you are a boy or a girl! We are so excited! I hope you cooperate!! ;) After we get back from the doctors we are planning on making hamburgers and telling both Mommy and Daddy's families what you are! We can't wait! Love you bunches!
Mommy met with her doctor last Friday and heard your heartbeat again! It was a really sweet sound! We were also able to schedule an ultrasound and it will be in TWO days! So Mommy and Daddy will get to see you AND we are hopefully going to be able to see if you are a boy or a girl! We are so excited! I hope you cooperate!! ;) After we get back from the doctors we are planning on making hamburgers and telling both Mommy and Daddy's families what you are! We can't wait! Love you bunches!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
4th of July weekend!
My sister Megan and her boyfriend Sean came down and spent the weekend with us! We had a lot of fun hanging out, going to Babies-R-Us, watching movies, and then going to James' cousin, Sarah's, house to watch Fireworks!
About a week ago James and I found out the gender of our baby! (Post coming soon!!) So Megan and I went to Babies-R-Us to look at all the stuff and get ideas of what we thought would be cute for the baby! As you might know they have parking for expecting mommies and Megan thought it would be cute to get a picture by the sign ;) here I am with it!!
If you could hear Megan, you would hear her telling me, "Live it up! Hold your belly!!" haha too funny!
About a week ago James and I found out the gender of our baby! (Post coming soon!!) So Megan and I went to Babies-R-Us to look at all the stuff and get ideas of what we thought would be cute for the baby! As you might know they have parking for expecting mommies and Megan thought it would be cute to get a picture by the sign ;) here I am with it!!

I wanted a Mommy's 4th of July shirt and didn't know where to find one, so, I did what any improvising Mommy-to-be would do and made my own!
And here we are waiting for the fireworks to start!
Don't we all look so patriotic in our red, white, and blue?!?
I love the 4th of July! I love to patriotism, the fact that it is during the Summer, and of course all the fireworks! It is so crazy to think that we will celebrate our next 4th of July with our baby!!
Thanks Megan and Sean for celebrating with us!

I love the 4th of July! I love to patriotism, the fact that it is during the Summer, and of course all the fireworks! It is so crazy to think that we will celebrate our next 4th of July with our baby!!
Thanks Megan and Sean for celebrating with us!
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