Monday, February 28, 2011

Hop aboard the Tuesday Train!!

Choo Choo!!
Yea It's Tuesday that means we are that much closer to the weekend!! hehe..

I am sorry if I haven't gotten back to you yet from last weeks hop! :( I am getting over being sick (again!) but will soon!! I promise!!


The rules are easy!
Follow the hosts (they're in the first four positions)....
and me!!

...we'll follow you back!

Please be sure to include the Tuesday Train button on your post!
Thanks for hopping on!!
Have fun!

The ride of your life

1. The House on the Corner  33. Choosing to walk in love  
2. With "Faith, Family, and Friends"  34. 1, 2, Buckle My Shoe  
3. The Survival Mama  35. Mommy Time Out - I follow back  
4. My Mad Mind  36. MOM TO 2 POSH LIL DIVAS  
5. Loving Life as a Couponer  37. Ramblings of an Empty Mind (linky)  
6. Celebrating Home with Carolyn  38. happy nester  
7. Praising Mom (follows back)  39. bassgiraffes Thoughts- FOLLOWS back  
8. Five Seconds From CrAzY!  40. WOMAN OF HOPE AND PRAYER  
9. Btips and Co - Follows back  41. Real Housewife *Follows Back*  
10. Shawn  42. BBL - I follow back  
11. Shanimal's Crackers  43. Frazzled Mama  
12. mimi loves all 8  44. Social Studies Momma *Follows Back*  
13. I Am Jewelz - Travel, Fashion, Fun!  45. Memoirs of Chinadoll*Follows*  
14. My Fitness World  46. captivating and comical  
15. Sherree  47. 10 things all moms should have  
16. One Busy Chick *Follows Back*  48. Heavenly Savings  
17. Immortality & Beyond - Follows back  49. Carla @ Mrs. No-No Knows  
18. Mommy Katie  50. My Life -- SMOOKIESTYLE!!  
19. BK@Express Yourself - follows back  51. The Organic Blonde **Follows Back**  
20. Yoli at Apron Senorita FOLLOWS BACK  52. One Creative Housewife  
21. Kellys Wonderland  53. Mommy Of 1 and Counting  
22. Teens and a Toddler  54. A Restful Place  
23. Krafty Max Originals  55. Living at the Whitehead's Zoo  
24. The Warrior Wins :)  56. Life With B & Baby M *follows back*  
25. Nanny  57. Lady Estrogen  
26. Mess Hall to Bistro  58. Blonde at Heart  
27. Splendiferous Girl  59. CobbledStone Silver Jewelry *Follows Back*  
28. Fun In The Small Things  60. TTWFI (I follow back)  
29. Hockey Wife Tales  61. QT - FOLLOWS BACK!  
30. Mommys Online Garage Sale  62. Jen @ Simply Living  
31. Children's Author  63. Crystal Mazing  
32. Reflections by Kathy  64. A LITTLE BIT OF EVERYTHING  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
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Thursday, February 24, 2011

5 ? Friday!

Yea! It is the end of the week {finally!} and time for 5 ? FrIdaY! YEA!

1. Can you drive a stick shift?
Well my first car was a stick shift when I was 15 and learning to drive. I tried really hard to learn but couldn't get past the jerky start at EVERY stop sign!

2. What are two foods you just can't eat?
Okra and pretty much any type of seafood! I have food texture issues and many foods feel gross to me, but these are probably at the top of the list!


3. Do you buy Girl Scout Cookies? What is your favorite kind?
I love thin mints and have been trying to find a girl scout every time we go to the grocery store and can't find one! Bueller..... Bueller....

4. How do you pamper yourself?
Before baby: Getting a mani, pedi, massage, or my hair cut and colored
After baby: just a 15 minute hot bubble bath!

5. What is your nickname and how did you get it?
I can remember being called Ally Cat from several different people. My Honey (grandmother) and Opa have always called me Ally since I was little and now since my Honey has passed this name is close to my heart!

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Easy and Yummy dinner!

In the about me, I mentioned that I am a wannabe domestic woman. You know - the Martha Stewart, Mary Poppins, Pioneer Woman type of domestic!

So in my quest to be such said woman, I made..... wait for it....

Pecan Crusted Chicken
Oh yea! and it was super easy!

I started by scrambling two eggs in a bowl. Then I put pecan pieces mixed with Italian seasoning in another bowl. 
You could also use rosemary, tyme, whatever you'd like.

I dipped the chicken breasts into the eggs and then coated it with the pecan mixture.

I put it in the oven at 350° for about 30 minutes...

and TADA!
We added a side of broccoli and cheese {love broccoli!} and some honey mustard to dip in. 
That's it!
...and the hubby loves it too!
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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My heart is heavy

My heart is heavy tonight. Earlier this morning I jumped on my google reader and read a couple blogs before getting ready for work. This is not typical of me, mostly because I am usually running late.

I read Momma Go Round's blog and it absolutely broke my heart.

She writes about sweet Maddie, a 4 month old beautiful little girl. She stopped breathing while at her babysitter's house, was rushed to the hospital, was not able to be revived, and made her trip home to our Father in Heaven.

I do not know this family personally but their story has hit me hard. As a mother to a son just weeks younger then their daughter, I cannot even begin to imagine the pain they must be going through.

I wanted to write this post because I am a firm believer in prayer and I hoped that you would be able to take a moment and send your prayers to this family that they have strength to get through this very difficult time.

If you would like to show your support, please visit there blog and let them know you are thinking of them: The Staats blog.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Tuesday Train!! Come and "hop aboard!"

I am so excited! I just can't believe it!
I am helping My Mad Mind host the Tuesday Train blog hop!!


I know! Super cool huh!?!

Blog hoppin' is such a fun way to meet new people,
find new blogs,
and help other awesome people,
much like yourself, 
find your super cool awesome blog!
So what are you waiting for??
   1. Follow the host, we would love to have you!!
   2. Add the button to your blog
   3. Add your blog to the list! 
   4.hop around, find new awesome blogs, and tell them you found them on the Tuesday Train!

Hop aboard and come hoppin' with us!!

You know you want to!

1. The Survival Mama  27. Mommys Online Garage Sale  53. Carla @ Mrs. No-No Knows  
2. The House on the Corner  28. Random Thoughts of a Citymouse  54. Reflections by Kathy  
3. With "Faith, Family, and Friends"  29. Frugal Tractor Mom  55. See Russanna Run  
4. My Mad Mind  30. CLOSE TO HOME**  56. Darlene  
5. bassgiraffes Thoughts- FOLLOWS back  31. Social Studies Momma *Follows Back*  57. The Blog Entourage  
6. Cars, Trucks and Teething Rings (**Follows**)  32. Beauty Brite *follows & wknd hop  58. Kaitlin & Kylie's Gourmet Treast & Recipes  
7. One Busy Chick *Follows Back*  33. Ramblings of an Empty Mind  59. THE GREEN GIRL  
8. Shawn  34. Splendiferous Girl  60. Thrifty Military Mommy  
9. Mommy Katie  35. Fun In The Small Things  61. Chronicles of a crazy mom  
10. A LITTLE BIT OF EVERYTHING  36. Come and have a laugh  62. Blonde at Heart  
11. Moose and Tater- I follow back!  37. Stacy Uncorked  63. 1, 2, Buckle My Shoe  
12. Fond of the Silliness  38. One Creative Housewife  64. Life on Orchard Road  
13. I'm Not a Trophy Wife  39. Work At Home! **Follows Back**  65. Mommy Of 1 and Counting  
14. Momgen Follows Back  40. Mommy Time Out - I follow back  66. Sueberry Lane  
15. RealMomReviews  41. Adventures in Estrogen  67. $30 CSN giveaway @ TCwaB  
16. Five Seconds From CRAZY!  42. DAT's so Cute  68. Twingle Mommy  
17. Texas Type A Mom *follows back*  43. Heavenly Savings  69. Taste Out Loud  
18. GivingNSharing  44. The Mommy Mambo  70. RambleSAHM  
19. Family Literacy and You  45. POSH- Follows  71. everday follows back  
20. Teens and a Toddler  46. MOMS OF ALL TRADES  72. TTWFI (I follow back)  
21. Dominique's Desk  47. Opinions of a Moody Mama *FOLLOWS BACK*  73. Giveaway Blogdom  
22. BK@Immortality&Beyond  48. Nicole Weaver  74. Sugar Creek *FOLLOWS BACK^  
23. Yummy soup recipe for You  49. Apron Senorita - Heart of a Home  75. The Write Way!  
24. BK@Express Yourself - follows back  50. Tupelo Deals - Follows back  76. Toes That Twinkle! (ALWAYS follows back)  
25. QT - FOLLOWS BACK!  51. A Restful Place  77. caremikenluisa (We follow you)  
26. Mess Hall to Bistro  52. BBL - I follow back  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Been a bad blogger :(

.Ok so I have been a bad blogger!
A little absent,
lack of posting,
BaD blogger....

You see, I came down with the flu! EWWW!!
It was terrible
and of course I was worried about baby G getting it the WHOLE time!
Then it was report card time at school,
and if you know any teachers,
they would tell you that it is a hectic time!

I am soooo sorry!

BUT I am back!

And here is sweet baby G on valentines day!

So cute with those pouty lips :)

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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Letters to my baby!

Today is February 6th

Hey little man! I can't believe you are 3 months old now! Time seems to be flying by so fast. You have grown so much and seem to have learned so many new things. You are really good at holding your head up! When people see you they all tell us how impressed they are at how great you can hold your head. You have also been called one of the happiest babies! Not because you never get upset, because sometimes you do, but because most of the time you are smiling, giggling, and talking to everyone! You are happiest right after you wake up, these are some of our favorite moments! And when it comes to sleep, I feel so BLESSED! You sleep from around 10 pm to 7 am when we wake you up to put you in the car  to go to the baby sitter, Jennifer's, house. Then you fall right back to sleep in the car! You are one great sleeper! It is  so cute to watch you hit any hanging toy and get so excited to see that you can move it.
You continue to amaze us everyday and prove that there is never a limit to the amount of love you can have for someone! We love you G man!

 Love you bunches,
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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Say it ain't so, there MIGHT be SNOW!

oh yeah!!
That's right!!
We might get SNOW tonight!! :)
{just a little tribute to my cheerleading days :)}

I am so super excited to see that they are predicting 1-3 inches of snow here in Texas!
There is no school tomorrow, I get to be with my baby and hubby, AND we might have snow!

Yea Friday! :}


A Mommy's Sweet Blog Design Friday Blog Hop

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Really, who needs light??

ok, no really, we do!

Today, while trying to teach my precious {never would we get wild and crazy} lovely third graders, the building when totally black!

I mean, cinder block walls, no windows, can't see your hand in front of your face, black!
not once, not twice,
Yes, THREE times!

You read that right! Our school building went totally black with close to 1,000 {lovely, well behaved, never would we get wild and crazy because the lights keep going out}students.

And here is why, the quote from Centerpoint Energy's website:

CenterPoint Energy is complying with Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) instructions for rotating outages. As a result electric customers may experience electric outages up to approximately 45 minutes. There is no need to contact CenterPoint Energy. CenterPoint Energy asks customers to take energy conservation measures...

HA! don't you love it!
I mean it isn't like 20 degrees outside or anything
we don't need lights, or heat, for that matter
oh yeah, right, IT IS!!

It was definitely an interesting day for this little teacher!

I'm linking to....

Bassgiraffe's Thoughts Thursday Blog Hop

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