It really makes you think about how you interact with othersand what someone else might be carrying with them!
We all have our own story and we live it day by day.
*Just a warning, it might move you too!*

The best ride of your life!
And I think the baby has taken over the living room! :)
I promise the living room doesn't normally look like this, but baby G is having a blast playing!
He is rolling sooo much now! We started with a smaller square blanketed area where G would play on his tummy, but more and more he was rolling everywhere, so we had to expand the play area!!!
After nap time, I'd better get this up before Daddy gets home! :)
Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend and Happy Father's Day!
The best ride of your life
Yep! That's right!! "halfy" birthday is what it says!
Oh yea, just like it sounds, it's a 'half of a year' birthday!! :)
Okay, I want to start with a disclaimer! We did ask for no presents to be brought and there was no birthday song sung!
We are just a little excited to be parents :) hehe
and we thought this would be a fun way to get our families together again!
We ALL haven't been together at the same time since our wedding so a "halfy birthday" with a little BBQ and cake sounded perfect!
My family came over a little early to help with the cooking.
Aunt Katy helped with the beans.
While Honey decorated the cake.
Aunt Megan made the deviled eggs... and baby G wanted to help!
The men worked on the grill, it got a little smokey! Haha
Then everyone came over!
It was great seeing everyone! It has been almost 3 years since our wedding when wee had both sides together!
And the guys played washers
The we had cake! Baby G really wanted to grab it! He's gotten very grabby lately!
My favorite thing was the onsie I made for G man to wear!
Halfy birthday baby boy!!